Everything is energy – empty space and dancing, vibrating information. From the plywood in your cheaply made desk, to the starlight hitting your retina when you gaze out at night, to the feeling in your heart when you let yourself dream about what could be… it’s all vibrating information.
As human beings, we are a wild, vast, magical universe.
We are held within an even wilder, vaster, more magical universe.
We are infinitely vast and powerful.
We are infinitely tiny and humble.
Both are true at the same time.
It can be mind-boggling to reconcile these two truths in our everyday lives, but there is a way.
For everything you set out to do, ask yourself:
What is up to me? What is up to the Universe*?
Then you take responsibility for what is up to you, and you leeeet gooooooooo of the rest.
Try it. What is something you’re setting out to do? State it. Then make two columns. Write what is up to you. Write what isn’t.
Intention: Healing.
Up to me:
Not up to me / Up to the universe:
Can I take responsibility for the “up to me” list?
Could I let go of the “Not up to me” list? Would I? When?
*Universe seems like the most neutral word for what is also often named: Source, God, Allah, Yahve, All that Is, …