4.0 – Welcome

Hello darling healer

I’m not sure you know this, but you’ve done tremendous work already.

In some ways, the hardest is behind you. You’ve started carving out the energetic pathways needed to have a profound and beautiful experience with your upcoming self-reiki journey.

Now we get to use that new-found grounding, connection with the divine, and capacity to discern what’s up to you and what’s not and apply it to becoming a channel for universal, spiritual, healing energy: Reiki

What you will find here next is “Module 2” of Reiki 1: Becoming a channel for healing yourself.

I ask that you give yourself some grace about the last 3 weeks. Whatever you learned or didn’t learn is perfect. You don’t need to consciously hold on to any of it. What’s coming now is the start of a new chapter.

Ready? Let’s go