6.0 – Welcome

Hello darling healer,

Perhaps you’ve been exploring intuitively, perhaps you’ve been following the script. Either way, you’ve been spending time with your energy.

Perhaps you’ve noticed a few things…

  • Sensations in your hands or body
  • The impulse to sometimes be closer, sometimes be further
  • Your hands moving as of their own accord

…and perhaps you’ve found yourself asking “WHY?”

  • Why do I feel tingles in my hands when I’m at my heart and not at my throat?
  • Why do I always want to check my phone when I get to my sacral chakra?
  • Why do I so frequently yawn when I’m bringing energy to my solar plexus?

I don’t have answers for you, but I do have hints.

Each of the 7 chakras is related to different spheres of your life and health. Let what you will learn about each of them provide hints, interesting questions, and possible explorations for you.

For instance, a conversation or chakra-informed energetic exploration with yourself might go a little like this:

  • Why do I feel tingles in my hands when I’m at my heart and not my throat?
    • The tingles feel like something wants to move but it’s stuck.
    • Knowing that the heart is very much about acceptance and the throat about expression, how does that inform my understanding of the tingles?
    • Maybe there’s something I’m working on accepting but can’t just yet…
    • Well, there’s that awkward conversation I keep avoiding with my partner…
    • What if I were to accept that it makes me so uncomfortable and I don’t want to accept that we’re in this situation to begin with?
    • Oh, the tingles move and now I feel it in my throat.
  • Why do I always want to check my phone when I get to my sacral chakra?
    • Ahh… knowing the sacral chakra has a lot to do with our early relational imprinting and our intimate relationships… it makes sense to me that I keep reaching out to my phone because I want to feel validated and loved…
    • … and maybe that explains why I’m on it so much…
    • What if I were to stay here with myself?
    • What if I were to hold myself in that vulnerability a little longer?
  • Why do I so often yawn when I bring energy to my solar plexus?
    • Knowing that the solar plexus works on our balance between letting go & taking action…
    • Maybe it feels like the yawn is trying to help me disengage and relax because I’m on the go constantly.
    • I wonder what’s behind that for me?

These are examples.

This is an invitation.

You are not required at all to do this kind of analysis.

You can absolutely let the energy do what the energy needs to do.


If it appeals to you to dive into the knowledge of the chakras, I just want to share one thing before you do:

The chakras loosely map onto different nerve plexuses and correspond to certain glands, but there’s no scientific evidence of them (yet). We haven’t been able to measure them. BUT. From working with people over a decade (many of whom know nothing about the chakras), experientially they often make a lot of sense. They are an extraordinary tool when you use them as an entry point for inquiry, but remember: the expert is always YOU. Nobody knows your life like you do. Don’t give your power away.

The chakra journey is here.

In the next page, I’ll explain how it’s organized and how you might use it in the context of Healer: Awakened.