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Reiki Montreal: Reiki, Healing, Coaching

Acceptance. Love. Warmth. Joy. Excitement. Fun. Engagement. Meaning. Vitality. PEACE.

Laughter. Inspiration. Acceptance. Love. Connection. Meaning. Purpose. Joy. Vitality. Motivation. Peace.

It’s all there. Right inside of you. 

But at the moment, you forgot how to connect with those parts of you.

Something got stuck, impeding your connection.


You know because you feel it.
You feel stuck, frustrated, like something is off.
It’s vague, but won’t leave you alone.
You can feel it in your body: it’s tense & stressed & uncomfortable…Maybe it feels like you can’t quite breathe.
In your life too – things aren’t flowing. You’re trying & trying, and nothing’s working. Nothing is unsticking. It feels like you’re running in a hamster wheel with no way out.
And in the end – you’re just not happy.

It feels like you’re not yourself.
It feels like you’ve got to do SOMETHING different, but you don’t know what. It’s feeling helpless & sad & angry & scared & confusing all at the same time.

But something strong in you knows this stuck version of you isn’t who you are.


Who you really are is FUN. Creative. Smart. Loving. Empowered. Radiant. Silly. Soulful. Joyful. Funny. Expansive. Effortless. Peaceful… YEEEESSSSS!
THAT’S who you are.
THAT’S who you’re here to be.

& You want to reconnect.

Good news #1: The answers to that reconnection are right inside you.

There’s a voice inside of you that knows exactly what you need, that knows exactly how to move through the stuckness – in every sphere of your life.
If you learn to listen, you will find your way back to your most glorious self. Every. Single. Time.

Good news #2. I can help you listen to the answers & guide you back to your best self.

… You’ve temporarily forgotten how to listen.
You’ve temporarily disconnected from all of it & it feels a little hopeless.
You’ve temporarily forgotten your access points to joy.
Your energy has gotten stuck somehow & old conditioning somehow is getting in the way.

It’s OK. I can create the environment to help you find your way back to yourself.

  • Let me hold a space for you so you can learn to listen again.

  • Let me help you join the parts of you that are fighting.

  • Let me help you find your inner peace again.

Together, we’ll forge the paths to your reconnection.

Let’s talk, beautiful soul.
Let’s take find out how we can free you!
Tell me when is a good time to call to have a blow-your-mind, dive-deep, full-on authentic conversation: “I want to reconnect to myself”

Who am I to offer this?

I’m just a girl in the world. I don’t have it all figured out. I get stuck too. I’m definitely not some kind of guru.
BUT (and it’s a big butt, I like big butts I cannot lie…)
I am really good at one thing: Holding space.
It means I’m amazing at acting as a guardian for the work you’re doing within yourself. I make sure no judgment enters there. I make sure we bring in acceptance instead. I make sure whatever’s ready to emerge for you has the space to do so. I make sure you feel safe.
In the space I hold for you, you naturally move towards healing.
That’s what I’m brilliant at, and it shines through whether I’m acting as Reiki Master (this just means teacher), Healer or Coach.
I got here by doing my own work – walking my talk – by keeping on learning (I have a masters in Neuropsychology, a certificate in Energy Medicine, but I’m still learning & taking classes) and by honing & sharing my skills every day.


Don’t take it from me.. .

“The process was loving, gentle and very human. With Inge always making me feel safe and at ease to express myself.” – Magdalena Lobo
“I wholeheartedly recommend Inge for any first-timers (like I was). She is very explanatory and accommodating…” – Noemi Stern
“She has an authentic positive vibe and her environment makes you feel comfortable and relaxed” –

How will I reconnect?

With a creative mix of energy healing, mindfulness, self-inquiry & awareness training we get you to move towards reconnection in a way that lasts.
In each and every session, I meet you exactly where you’re at and help you get to the next level in your healing.

Reiki. Reiki is a gentle energy healing technique that brings back energetic balance. If you’re stuck in your life, you’re stuck in your energy. With Reiki you’ll taste that balance again.
I will gently help you reconnect with yourself through mindful self-inquiry. You’ll get to know the parts of you that are stuck. You’ll become intimate with what’s keeping you at a stand-still and you’ll love those parts back into flow.
A component of training you to be aware in every day life to see where your conditioning is hampering you so you can STAY in your flow.

There’s a solution for every level of commitment.

Reiki Healing: To reconnect with your inner balance & Discover this gentle modality. 60-min Reiki sessions. $85
Energy Healing (Reiki ++) : To journey back towards yourself. 90-min including Mindful self-inquiry + Reiki session. $115
Reiki Courses: To reconnect with your intuition & heal yourself. *LINK TO FORM TO RECEIVE MORE INFORMATION*
Highest Potential Coaching. : To transform your life to reflect the amazingness that is you. Sustained individual support over a series of months. Limited spots available. Let’s talk :).

Want to find out if it’s for you?
1. Listen to your gut feeling.
2. Act on your gut feeling by scheduling a conversation with me. It’s free & pressure free. 🙂

with every session we made space for peace and joy to come back into my life.” – Magdalena Lobo

  • “In only 4 sessions I was able to reconnect with myself and life. I rediscovered a new sense of hope and optimism.”” – Serge Badia
  • “I feel that I have made great strides and grown so much just in this semester, and meeting with you has been a huge factor for this growth. I have learned so much about myself, my emotions, and how to listen to myself. I think these are things that can truly stick with my for the rest of my life”
  • (les differences perceptibles pour moi après nos séances : je sens mon corps respirer, je me sens solide sur mes deux pattes, et j’ai une meilleure connaissance de moi-même. – Geffrard Morinvil)
  • (“Lorsque j’ai commencé les séances de reiki et de visualisation avec Inge, j’ai su que je partais à la découverte de quelque chose que je n’avais jamais vu ou voulu voir, et tout cela aussi proche que dans mon propre corps.” – Josianne Lalonde)




(A) Want a reiki session? Let’s go! Your interest is enough. Call me at 514-360-3387 or e-mail me to set up an appointment!

(B) Want support on your journey to reconnection?

It’s simple. I don’t want you to invest time, money & energy into something that isn’t a good fit for you.
This kind of self-inquiry work isn’t for everyone, I acknowledge that.
But if it is… you will blossom. Your family will thank you, your life will thank you, your joy will thank you.

Here’s how we find out if it’s for you:
(1) Check yourself against these lists. If you recognize yourself in the left column, let’s talk.
(2) Check your gut. Get quiet and ask: “Is this for me?” If it’s a “no” go on by, if it’s anything else:
(3) Let’s talk, beautiful soul! & Let’s find out how we can free you.
It’ll be a 30-min dive-deep, let’s go, full on exploration kind of phone call. Free. Ask me anything.
The aim: Finding out (a) if we’re a good fit and (b) how I can best support you to come back home to your best self.
It’s free (and pressure free).


  • You are willing to have an open mind
  • You are willing to be curious & kind with yourself
  • You are willing to ask yourself some tough questions about what’s stuck & work through it.
  • You are willing to let go.
  • You feel the need to truly reconnect with yourself.
  • You are willing to feel your emotions.
  • You are unwilling to take responsibility for what’s stuck in you.
  • You are expecting a magic solution.
  • You are uninterested in becoming more self-aware.
  • You expect whatever’s “wrong with you” to be just “taken away” without looking into it.
  •  You have a vested interest in believing you’re broken & staying a victim.


Frequently Asked Questions

Are you a psychologist?
Absolutely not. I may have a Masters in neuropsychology, that does not mean I’m trained as a psychologist. If you believe you would benefit from psychological support, seek those services out. I offer services complementary to those of a psychologist.

What is Reiki?
Reiki is a gentle hands-on healing technique. Although each session is completely different, it typically elicits a deep relaxation response. It allows the recipient to come back to balance & take their next healing step. To read more, Click Here!
How long have you been doing this?
I started my journey of spiritual discovery in 2009 with a 10-day Vipassana meditation retreat. I started with a bang ;). I’ve been practicing professionally since February 2013.
What techniques do you use?
I have been trained with a good deal of different techniques. I most heavily rely on mindfulness, my understanding of chakras, a technique called focusing and Reiki. You can read all about them (and more) here.
How much is a session?
$85 for a 60-min Reiki session, $145 for a 90-min session. I have packages available that reduce the price per session if you make a commitment to doing several. I’ll be happy to explain on the phone.
Is this covered by my insurance?
Yeah, baby! If you’re covered for naturotherapy, that is! I will give you a receipt. Even if it’s not covered by your insurance, you can still claim it for your taxes at the end of the year.
When are you available?
I typically work Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Sundays, accommodating all sorts of schedules.
Can I learn more?
OMG Can you. I’m really passionate about all of this and I’ve written a TON of stuff. Visit the blog!
I don’t need to have a conversation with you. I know this is for me. How can I book?
Where are you located?
I’m in nun’s Island, on Darwin street, a busride away from Square Victoria metro. You will receive the exact address upon booking.


I’m sure you still have some questions left.
DON’T ASK THEM if you want to stay stuck.

But if you’re this far down the page… something tells me you don’t want to stay stuck. You want to start moving again, feeling like you again.
I get that working with me might not be the solution for you. That’s totally possible! There’s a million ways for you to reconnect with yourself.

If there’s even a part of you that says “I think this girl could help me”, then set up a phone call with me! I’m nice, unable to be pushy (even if I tried… yikes! haha), and genuinely interested in your well-being. “OK. I want to find out if this is for me”

And if not… that’s totally cool too.
Maybe you’d like to stay in touch through e-mail? “Sign up for the soul notes”. They’re letters I send out once every two weeks where I share. I simply share what I’m learning.


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