Reconnection Mini Course: The Secret Process That Gets You Reconnected

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 Welcome to video 2 of the mini reconnection course! 
If you only do one video of the three, make it this one! It’s where the magic happens :).
Give yourself 13 minutes and do this process. You’ll be glad you did.

After, I’d love to hear how it went for you!
Comment below or join the discussion on facebook!

Watch out for Video 3 on Friday, where we’ll cover how this all works!


(If you missed Video 1 and want to do that one first, click here).

Video 2:
The process that gets you unstuck

Save This Video so you can come back to it again.


Inge Broer is not a psychologist nor a doctor. If you feel you need psychological or medical help, please consult accordingly. All work done with Inge Broer is in the interest of supporting your wellness, your personal growth and your spirituality. In this optic, you are never seen as “broken” or needing “fixing”.




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