Reconnection Mini Course: How This Works Together

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Welcome to video 3 of the mini reconnection course!

Today, we’re digging deep into HOW this works.

Here’s what you do:

(1) Watch video 3 to gain a better understanding of WHAT is happening when we’re stuck. It’s powerful stuff and not very many people know about it!

(2) Then, take responsibility for your vibration and keep doing video 2 or send me an e-mail with any questions you have! ;).

(3) If you’re really ready to heal, to work on your conditioning, to create more space and love in yourself, you’re going to love the super special  reconnection program I’m offering. You’ll be astounded about what’s possible for you in 5 weeks: More love, more peace, more in tune with your needs, clearer on your gifts, more tapped into your purpose. Especially? Moving forward, reconnected to yourself. Check it out here.   If you know this is for you and you don’t want to risk missing out, set up a call with me (the offer will expire Sept 30th).
Love ,
(Missed video 2? Find it here. Missed video 1? Find it here).

Video 3:
Why this works

I have a really amazing five-week reconnection program coming up. The details can be found here, but if you know you’re interested, book a call with me. The extra special fall time amazingness of the offer will expire on September 30th.

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Inge Broer is not a psychologist nor a doctor. If you feel you need psychological or medical help, please consult accordingly. All work done with Inge Broer is in the interest of supporting your wellness, your personal growth and your spirituality. In this optic, you are never seen as “broken” or needing “fixing”.




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