Connect to Essence – a 5-week program to go from stuck to inner peace

Dear spiritual being having a human experience,

You’re sensitive, you feel things deeply, you care deeply, don’t you?

You want to heal the world. It hurts being here, feeling all the pain & dysfunction. Especially now.
It’s been too much lately. Too many things have happened and you feel you’ve lost yourself. You’re not who you used to be. You’re irritable with those you love most and put on a protective mask with those you don’t know. You don’t feel connected. This isn’t you.

The more you fight it and “should yourself” into being “tougher” or “stronger” or “sucking it up” the worse it gets. Anxiety becomes the norm. Situational depression shows up. You start to wonder “Is there something wrong with me?”

You know this isn’t how you want to move forward. This isn’t how you want your life to go. You have dreams! You want to feel confident and peaceful in pursuing them. You want to feel like yourself again and be in your flow. The one that tastes so good because you feel free, vibrant and alive! That’s what your spirit is yearning for.

Therapy doesn’t seem like it’s just right – after all… you’re okay… just feeling OFF & you’re yearning for that spiritual connection… that ability to hear your heart, that ability to tap into your subconscious, to hear your own emotions, your own intuition, to reconnect with your inherent wisdom. You wonder if anyone can really get it…

Inge Picture

I’ve been there.

There was a time where I felt completely disconnected. Not only from myself, but from people around me. I didn’t feel like I fit in, I was a wandering brain whose emotions would sometimes take over (and upset the brain). My brain was waging a war against my feelings and my feelings were waging a war against my brain. I knew deep down this wasn’t how I wanted to live. It wasn’t conscious, but there was a powerful subconscious current pulling me towards finding the tools to reconnecting with myself. Luckily, I was open enough to let it guide me.

I’ve learned to listen, to connect with myself in ways that I didn’t dream were possible. It wasn’t easy for me. There was a lot of resistance to work through. I’m grateful for that, because it helps me pinpoint for others what’s stuck, what needs adjustment so that they too can hear their inner wisdom, connect with themselves and live from their essence. I know that if what I wrote above resonates with you, I can help you do the same. I can help you feel deeply grounded in yourself, relaxed, in your flow & in touch with your essence in a mere five weeks.

   Greater Subconscious   Emotions in the wya   Hear your own emotions   Caught up   Listen to heart

You crave to connect with your true self & live from your essence?
but you find it hard to listen to your heart & intuition?
the Connect to Essence Program is for you.

 The Basic Connect to Essence Program

The basic Program is 5 sessions of 90 minutes.
We use the patterns and difficulties in your life to undo some old conditioning & rewire you for more you to emerge.

In each of the 5 weekly 90-min sessions,

1. I’ll help you ease and relax the parts within you that are stuck.

Using a meditative technique, I’ll guide you in a gentle conversation with the parts of you that are stuck. We will create an inner environment of kindness & explore what’s keeping these parts of you stuck, what they want from you and what they need to return to flow.

2. I’ll help balance your energy with Reiki.

Using Reiki, I will facilitate an energy exchange between you and the universe that will allow your energy to balance itself. Your chakras will balance. Your energy will release what it no longer needs to hold on to. This is typically a deeply relaxing experience and really helps to reestablish flow in places where stuck energy has accumulated.

3. Keep the healing going at home with homework based on my expertise in chakra balancing.

I will translate where you’re stuck in chakra terms, which will help for you to work on that chakra in other ways to help you stay unstuck. By the end, we’ve rewired some key elements in your relationship with yourself & we’ve tuned your energy system for balance, and you’re glowing with a greater acceptance of yourself.

For a limited time, a special version of this package is available.

Winter can be hard and cold and dreary. Let’s get you connecting to your essence so that you can emerge & flourish come spring time.

The (Extra Special) Winter Time Reconnection Program:

You get…

Sparkly Checkmark

The basic Connect to Essence program ( 5 x 90 min sessions)


Sparkly Checkmark+ A personalized guided meditation to help you settle deeper into yourself


Sparkly Checkmark+ A possibility to extend the program from a 5-week program to a 8-week program for a reduced price.


Sparkly Checkmark+ A workshop to come together in community, learn crucial skills & start it all off on Saturday, March 11th.

Sparkly Checkmark

+ Personalized e-mail support in between sessions (if the need arises) 

Only 6 spots available. Online or in person. 

Until Tuesday, March 6th, your investment program is:

An initial investment of $325 + 2 x $200 (Payable at your 1st session and at your 3rd session).

Get Reconnected


What my clients say

  • “ I was able to reconnect with myself and life. I rediscovered a new sense of hope and optimism.”
  • “Impacted my life tremendously”
  • “Meeting Inge has been an incredible journey! And with every session we made space for peace and joy to come back into my life. The whole process has been an amazing experience, revealing things about myself, that gave me now a new set of “tools” to transform myself and live my life.”

  • “Inge’s energy is so warm & supportive like a long-lost best friend… she made the experience SO EASY and fun even! I didn’t know it was possible to laugh and have a good time doing energy work, but my time with Inge was ALL THE THINGS! Haha!”

What happens if this isn’t for me after all?

If at the end of this first session you decide this really isn’t for you, you can ask for a refund and pay only for the first session ($175). I’m not expecting this to happen, but if you feel this isn’t a good fit after all, the last thing I want is for you to feel trapped. You can walk away, no harm done.

After this moment, though, I ask for your full commitment.

Because this can sometimes be uncomfortable – things come up and can be hard to handle… and you might have the urge to sweep things under the rug… I’m going to ask you STICK with the process. If we’re doing this right, there are times where you’re not going to like this process (or me for that matter).
That’s why I don’t offer a money back guarantee. Once you’re in, you’re in.

I do guarantee, however, that I will stay with you in the session until you are feeling strong enough to face the world. I will NEVER stop the session if you’re in dire straits.

I will do my absolute best to support you. I will offer 30 minute (free) coaching sessions in between in-person sessions if that is necessary as well.

I’m not saying this to scare you, but strong reactions CAN happen and if they do, I’m here. All in with you. 🙂

The packages must be used up in the period of 1 year – after which I cannot guarantee your sessions.

If you, for one reason or another, are hospitalized, move away or must discontinue the sessions for a reason you cannot be physically present, the remainder of the package will be refunded.
(This will be calculated as Price of Package – (Sessions Used * Regular Price) = Refund)


When you decide, this will happen:

When you Click this link or any of the buttons on this page, you’ll be taken to my scheduling system and you’ll be asked to make your first payment of $325. You will schedule your first appointment. Please choose something in the week following March 11th.

On March 11th, we will meet from 1pm – 4pm for a 3h workshop to kickstart your process to connect with your essence.

If at the end of your first session, you decide it’s not for you, you will be reimbursed $325 – $175 = $150. The last thing I want is for you to feel trapped.
If it’s a go, at the end of our session, we will book the other 4 appointments.

There are only 6 spots for this special program. If you wish to do them online, that can be arranged. Please let me know. 

This offer closes Tuesday, March 7 at 11:59pm.

Button Get Set Up

Time for a decision.

Now that you’ve read about how I can help you, make a little assessment.

How much is it costing you to stay disconnected (and sort of stuck) right now?
That creative idea, that decision you’ve been on the fence about for way too long, that burning desire to change jobs or to ask for a raise…

What is this disconnection costing you financially? Are you passing up the opportunities of your dreams, because you can’t feel into it properly?

What about in your relationships? Can you connect when you can’t feel yourself? Are you hiding in those relationships?

What about you not leaving your dysfunctional relationship?

Is it costing you anything in terms of your health?
(Stuck emotion has a tendency to manifest physically after a long period of time…I think you intuitively know this…).

Does what I describe sound like it will help you?

Trust your gut. Trust your intuition. It’s SO important in all the decisions we make in life. If it’s a “… No… this doesn’t feel quite right…” TRUST THAT. If it’s a “I’m scared… but this feels really right… and it’s weird, but it also makes a lot of sense. I’m fed up of being stuck”, trust that also. And if it’s a “I don’t know, but tell me more”, great! Just set up a discovery call. We’ll talk it out.

Get Reconnected



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