Spring has Sprung!

Spring has sprung!

When the thermometer hits 26 C, it’s official.

I hope you’re enjoying all the movement that spring brings: seedlings busting out of the ground, the sunlight, the heat, the possibility to FINALLY spend some time outdoors…! If you’re anything like me, spring time gives you a burst of energy like no other. You’re ready to move forward, to burst through what’s been holding you back, and to explode into the world and relationships again. Ahhh spring makes me feel alive!
Yet, there’s another side to Spring.

It’s allergy season. We get colds because we’re a bit overzealous. And for some people who thought spring would bring an end to their troubles, their troubles are continuing.

They now seem worse because everybody else seems to be doing well.

To those people I say: It’s alright. Maybe your energy needs a little spring cleaning. Maybe some cobwebs need to be swept up. Maybe you just need a little hand for you to burst out of your shell. It’s OK to ask for a little help.

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